Emotional turmoil begins with an initial perception of a sight, sound, or thought, which leads to a feeling of discomfort. When you feel that initial tug, remain steady, relax into the energy, staying present with the experience.
Watch animals, they know how to remain still and conserve energy. They do not dissipate themselves in useless activity, but instead withdraw into themselves to recharge. This activity can be called meditation, the purest and most natural expression you can have.
What good is it to spend your life accumulating material things or conforming to others conventions? Live simply, virtuously true to your nature, ignore time, relinquishing ideas and concepts.
When we discover good in others imitate it, if you see something bad in yourself get rid of it and be free. You can bring about increase through receptivity to and love of the good. Good fortune is produced by selflessness in all things.
Quote: Make your public and private life the same.