The middle way encourages us to feel what we feel and deal with that feeling, good or bad, just stay with it. Do not judge what arises in your mind, don’t grasp at it; just let it go as if you were touching a bubble or a feather. This way will help you stop struggling and discover an unbiased way of being.
If we live in an urban environment with the noise, the smells, the lack of nature, take time to find a quiet place as close to a natural setting as possible so you can become acquainted with the subtle aspects of being.
It is a cosmic law that what you say and do determines what happens in your life. If you think this law is external to you, your desires will trouble your mind and you will be in constant turmoil. Recognize that you and this law are one, therefore cultivate yourself, bring moderation to your life and clarity to your mind.
If you stay with what is right, you can shape the world. Depend on the harmonious and beneficial forces of the cosmos and you will achieve success. Work on nature. Start early in the morning, keep your inner composure. This will give you the clarity of mind to deal with daily events. If you are going to help people you must be free of selfish aims, then you will have the clarity needed to help.
Quote: Everything is relative.