Look for the gaps, that space between thoughts, the natural occurrence after an unexpected noise, shock or moment of awe. By being present like this will help us not to buy into negative or limiting stories.
Each day is a measure of where we are in our lives; today may be an anniversary or a milestone being achieved. It is good to look forward to passing milestones as a way of encouraging ourselves and measuring our progress.
If we practice undiscriminating virtue, kindness, and selflessness we begin to eliminate the illusory boundaries between people and societies; thus you are protected from their negative influences. It is not that you do not encounter difficulties, but by meeting them calmly and openly, your response to them becomes natural and complete.
It is difficult to bring quiet to the heart. Being still when it is time to be still and going forward when it is time; in this way rest and movement agree, this will help quiet the heart. When you are calm you can turn to the tumult of the outside world and human beings. We cannot force quiet and calmness, but they must develop naturally out of state of inner composure.
Quote: Look at the whole picture.