When you are awake, reflect on the day ahead and when that day has ended, think about what you have done. If you have fulfilled an aspiration rejoice in that, if you went against it, rejoice in being able to see what you did.
A person born into one culture will have different options than those born into another, and they both may lead valuable lives. We cannot say one person’s life is more valuable than another. Praise and censure both herald misery, because they are filtered through the ego.
Success is as dangerous as failure; going up or down is shaky. When you stand with both feet on the ground you will always be balanced. The trick is to go up and down with both feet on the ground.
We must understand the demands of the time in order to find the offset of its deficiencies and damages.
Quote: When you act from a place of courage you are always rewarded. The universe always rewards the brave.